Traffic Advisory – Lane closures for traffic realignment at 69th/Discovery Ridge BLVD

Please be advised that there will be traffic realignment on 69 Street / Discovery Ridge Blvd at Highway 8 starting the night of Thursday November 1, 2018

· Realignment of northbound and southbound traffic onto a new road further to the west
· Closure of the existing road

Reason: Construction of a new bridge spanning Highway 8

Please follow all signs and adhear to the Speed limit of 50 km/h

Please note:
· Pedestrian access is available on temporary pathways located to the west side of the detour
· Calgary Transit bus stops have been relocated in the immediate area

Link to SWCRR Project site here

Congratulations to ALL Amazing Race Participants!

Thank you to Activate YYC for the grant and the support of the Discovery Ridge Community Association.

Please see the Discovery Ridge Community Association Facebook page in a few days for pictures and watch out for the November Ridge Review for a complete recap!

Final Standings
Group A (families with children under 13)
The Blind Fish
Team Mega Awesome
Team Cooper
Team Swagger

Group B
Get it Girls
The Roonil Wazlibs
The Cowitzers
The Givers
No Clue
Sister Squad
Team Old Guys in Action

A special thank you to our Volunteers for spending two plus hours outside to make the Race happen on a very cold day! As usual, our volunteers go above and beyond to make our community GREAT! We had a number of kids volunteer with their parent for the event – mom/daughter, father/son. It was great to see the kids step up for the event with their parents. We had a total of 7 kids volunteer for over 2.5 hours – great community spirit!!

A special recognition also to the following businesses that helped with their time and/or door prizes:
Crystal Creek Homes – for the Lemonade station and the Race Passports. Note they currently have a $10,000 referral program for residents of Discovery Ridge only.
Javino – for the race station, door prizes and discount on food.
Heart & Mind Yoga – for hosting the Yogi station and door prizes.
Griffith Store – for hosting the Slush station and discount on slushes.
Healing Matters Psychological Services – for the Brain Teaser station and for taking pictures.

We hope everyone enjoyed being active and had fun engaging with your neighbours and local businesses.

See you next year!


Amazing Race – Discovery Ridge

Are you ready for the Amazing Race? Thanks to a grant from ActivateYYC, and the imagination of a few creative residents, the DRCA is bringing its own version of the popular TV show into our own community.

**Register your team before Sept 14 at **
Follow the event on Facebook for updates (and don’t forget to ‘like’ the DRCA!).
It’s first come, first served for teams and spots are filling up fast!

When: September 15, 2018 from 2-4 p.m.
Who: Teams of 2-4 people (children under 13yrs must have at least one adult on the team)
What: Follow clues to different locations in and around the community to complete tasks, navigate road blocks, and make their way back to the finish line!
Why: Prizes awarded to the top 3 finishing teams.

SAVE THE DATE! Music in the Park – September 8, 2018

It’s almost time for Music in the Park!

Join us down at the Rec Facility Green Space for another great event put on by your DRCA!

Razzama-jazz Big Band
Meta MoFo
Blues Serenade

Food and Drink sales (Cash and Credit Card)

Many thanks to the following businesses and groups for their support:

Volunteers are required for the smooth running of Music in the Park. Please contact if you can help!



Stampede BBQ MOOved to Wednesday

The Cows are laying down and the forecast calls for rain on Sunday, so we’re MOOving the Stampede BBQ to Wednesday, June 13 from 5-8 p.m. Same great activities, new date!

There will be something for everyone:
·       Butterfield Acres Farm Corral
·       Western-themed games for every age
·       Sports and activities with the City of Calgary Recreation Department
·       Tennis tournament with First Serve Tennis

… and don’t forget the FOOD! Free burger/hot dog/veggie burger, drink and chips for all 2017/18 DRCA members – memberships are valid from September 1 – August 31 each fiscal year. Food will be available for purchase for all non-DRCA members.

Brought to you by the Discovery Ridge Community Association with generous support from ULS Landscaping.

Community Cleanup! Sunday, May 27th

Community Cleanup Sunday, May 27th from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. (please arrive prior to 1:45 p.m.)

The far west end of Discovery Ridge Boulevard

Following a day of garage sales, on Sunday you can drive on down to the end of Discovery Ridge Boulevard to donate or dispose of any items you have left or that weren’t sale-worthy.

Please check the list below for items that will and will not be accepted on May 27 to avoid any unnecessary trips.

BOOKS:Appropriate books for Grades K-9 in good condition will be gratefully accepted for the Griffith Woods School Library – all other books can be donated to the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta.

FURNITURE:We cannot accept any furniture for donation. All furniture will need to go into the City of Calgary garbage packer trucks – please only bring down that which is no longer serviceable.

Any furniture that you would like to donate can be collected by the Calgary Interfaith Furniture Society simply by making a phone call.  All donations will be so greatly appreciated as this organization assists so many in great need.  If you have any used furniture in decent condition, including patio furniture, BBQ’s in working condition and mattresses, please call 403-276-3173. This amazing service is at no cost to you.  They will be in the SW area on 24 May and 31 May.

 City of Calgary


  • Household waste
  • Organic waste
  • Leaves, branches, plants, grass clippings and other yard waste (please note yard waste must be separate from other items and needs to be in paper or compostable boxes or bags.)

Not Accepted

  • Glass (e.g. window panes, glass table tops)
  • ​Household appliances with Freon (e.g. refrigerators, freezers)
  • Liquids (e.g. cooking oils)
  • Rail way ties
  • Sod or dirt
  • Household hazardous waste including:
    • Propane tanks
    • Paint
    • Automobile, cleaning, healthcare, and gardening chemicals

Forinformation with regards hazardous materials recycling please contact Calgary Fire Department: Hazardous Materials. Call 311 or visit

Regular household recycling will NOT be accepted on this day, please keep for regular pickup. Bottles and cans can be taken to the bottle shack (tied safely in bags) – thank you!

Recycle Logic Electronics Recycling


  • Televisions, Computer Monitors and All-in One Computers
  • Desktop Computers and Servers
  • Computer Accessories – Mouse, Keyboard, Cables, Desktop Computer Speakers
  • Laptops, Notebooks and Tablets
  • Desktop Printers and Printer combinations, Scanners, Fax Machines and Photocopiers
  • Additional items not sponsored by the Alberta Recycling Management Authority’s (ARMA) Province Wide Electronics Recycling Program (e.g. Cable boxes, Cell Phones, Gaming consoles/games, Christmas Lights, Microwaves, VCRs)

Note that Recycle-Logic Inc. reserves the rights to refuse any item NOT on the ARMA Sponsored Material List or any ineligible item with too much plastic.

Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta




  • Clothing Accessories (belts, jewelry)
  • Hats, Mitts, Scarves
  • Ties, Nylons, Socks, Underwear, Robes
  • Shoes, Boots
  • Coats, Snow Pants, Umbrellas
  • Wedding Dresses, Costumes, Scrubs

Entertainment (must be in working condition)

  • Books, Magazines, DVDs
  • iPods, MP3 Players, Headphones
  • Records, CDs, Videos, Tapes
  • Stereos, VCRs, Radios, Speakers
  • TVs (under 21” and later than 2005)
  • Computers, Typewriters, Printers
  • Toys, Games, Puzzles, Stuffed Animals
  • Sporting Goods, Bikes

Small Appliances

  • Kettles, Coffee Makers
  • Microwaves, Toasters, Toaster Ovens
  • Blenders, Juicers, Kitchen Scales
  • Vacuum Cleaners, Sewing Machines
  • Hair Dryers, Curling Irons


  • Pots, Pans, Bakeware, Dishes
  • Kitchen Utensils, Cutlery, Silverware
  • Glassware, Mugs, Cups


  • Table Cloths, Curtains, Draperies
  • Blankets, Pillows, Bed Sheets
  • Towels, Cloths, Area Rugs

Household Items

  • Bed and Bath Items
  • Telephones, Lamps, Clocks
  • Pictures, Frames, Mirrors, Wicker
  • Crafts, Knickknacks, Ornaments
  • Dried/Silk Flowers, Candles
  • Hangers, Coat Racks, Shoe Racks
  • Household Tools, Tool Boxes
  • Small Office Supplies


  • Purses, Fanny Packs, Wallets
  • Suitcases, Duffel Bags, Back Packs

NOT Accepted

  • Furniture
  • Baby items such as strollers or car seats

Residential and Commercial Junk Removal – Metals recycling


  • Washers, dryers, stoves, BBQ’s
  • Car batteries
  • Car parts
  • Stainless steel, wire, aluminum

Earth Day Litter Pick-UP NOW May 6th!

As there are still a lot of areas in Discovery Ridge still covered by snow, we have decided to POSTPONE the Earth Day Litter Pick-Up Event to May 6 from 9-12 a.m.

We still look forward to seeing everyone and getting out to help keep Discovery Ridge the beautiful place we know it is!


Volunteers are required for the following awesome events!

Sunday May 27 – DRCA Community Clean-up
Location: West end of Discovery Ridge Blvd
Event time: 9:00am-2:00pm 
Volunteers required: 8:30am-2:30pm for 1.5 hour shifts

Requirements: Some mild to medium physical activity (lifting and keeping area clear of debris), directing traffic
Refreshments provided
EMAIL: to get your name on our volunteer list for this event!

Sunday June 10 – DRCA Stampede BBQ
Location: DR Recreation Facility and adjoining fields
Event time:  4:00pm-7:00pm
Volunteers required for 1-2 hour shifts

Requirements: set up, clean up and smooth running of the event
EMAIL: to get your name on our volunteer list for this event!

September 2 & 3 – Casino

Location: Cowboys Casino

Event time: 10:00AM-4:00AM both days
Volunteers required to 4 or 8 hour shifts
Requirements: chip runner, count room, cashier, general manager (all training and food provided)
EMAIL: to get your name on our volunteer list for this event!

Saturday September 8 – Music in the Park
Location: DR Recreation Facility and adjoining fields
Event time: 3:00-7:00pm
Volunteers required for 1-2 hour shifts

Requirements: ticket sales, set up and clean up, security
EMAIL: to get your name on our volunteer list for this event!

Earth Day Community Litter Pick-Up

Please join us on Sunday, April 22, 9:00 a.m. to noon, for our annual Earth Day Litter Pick-Up.  Meet at the DRCA Rec Facility to join in on the action and get our community looking its best!

Volunteers will be assigned an area to pick up litter in public greenspaces within Discovery Ridge. No age limit….families welcome! If you garden gloves please bring them.  Bags will be supplied.

EMAIL: to let us know you’re coming!