Casino Volunteers Needed

Volunteer for the DRCA Casino! We’re looking for volunteers for our upcoming Casino on Friday, February 28 and Saturday, March 1. Revenue generated from the Casino is a crucial source of funding for our recreation facilities. Your support will be greatly appreciated. Contact Lillian for more details and to sign up for available shifts at Thank you!  

How to Package Bottle Shack Donations

When donating refundable beverage cans and bottles, especially wine bottles, please use a wine box when possible. These boxes help prevent breakage and stack efficiently in the shack, optimizing storage space. Remember, “Buy it in a box. Deposit it in a box.” Plastic bottles can be donated in large, securely tied plastic bags. Thank you for supporting the DRCA Bottle Shack and for carefully packing your donations.

Wildlife Affected Area Designation Lifted

The City of Calgary has advised the DRCA that they will be lifting the Wildlife Affected Area designation for Discovery Ridge tomorrow, November 15th. While this means the bylaw will not be in effect, we strongly encourage all residents to handle their bins and food waste with great care and consideration for wildlife and resident safety at all times. 

Here are the full details on the WAA designation being lifted from the City:

Wildlife Affected Area Designation

As per the DRCA member email that was sent earlier today, The City of Calgary has advised the DRCA that they have enacted the Wildlife Affected Area (WAA) designation for Discovery Ridge, as of today.

As a result, effective immediately, all households must:

  • Store their waste in a garage, shed or secure enclosure. This applies to all carts and extra bags of yard waste or tag-a-bag garbage.
  • Put bins out for pick up after 5am and return to secured storage no later than 7pm on collection days.

***During the time the WAA designation is in place, bin collection times will not begin until 9am on pick up days.***

Full details from the City:

In addition to DRCA communication channels, the City will be advising residents thought the Garbage Day App, Ward 6 office, Website, Media/Social Media and a card will be mailed to every DR household today.

Residential Waste and Wildlife in DR


It is the height of bear season and there are many out and about in and around our special community as well as in Griffith Woods. This includes a mama bear and her cubs. They are in search of food before winter hibernation and if food is made available to them within the community, they will find it.

It is the responsibility of us all to ensure these special animals do not become habituated to residential waste. Bears will get into bins with scents or food items in them if the bins are outside. Please ensure bins are not put out until the morning of pickup and are secured and not accessible to bears or other wildlife at this critical time.

Music in the Park This Saturday

The Discovery Ridge Community Association and David Pelletier are excited to once again bring you MUSIC IN THE PARK!

Saturday, September 7th
3:00pm – 7:00pm
@ the Discovery Ridge Recreation Facility Green Space

Grab a chair or blanket and bring the whole family to join in on the fun!

  • Live Music (See list of performers below)
  • Beer/Wine Garden
  • Food Trucks

Entry is FREE for DRCA members and their families. Non-members will be asked to make a donation, in an amount of their choosing, or purchase their household $25 DRCA annual membership at the gate.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: These events take help. Please contact Lillian at to volunteer selling beer/wine tickets from 3-5pm or 5-7pm!
It’s an easy, fun job! We’ll assist you in setting up the Square App for selling. Thank you!!!

We are incredibly grateful for all of the support Music In The Park receives from our community! Without this remarkable group of individuals and businesses we would not have the outstanding event that we do.

Thank you to David Pellettier, RE/MAX First, who has been our Lead Sponsor since our inaugural event in 2016.

As well, a huge thank you to our current Friends of Music In The Park:

We’re excited to present an amazing lineup of musicians for Music in the Park! Check them out:

3:00-400 — The Syndicate of Soul:
4:00-4:30 — Robert Seer:
4:30-5:30 — The Corazones: and
5:30-6:00 — Paul Saks:
6:00-700 — Dangerous Goods: and


All DRCA annual memberships expired on August 31st. If you have not done so already, please renew online at:

In addition to many other things, the DRCA:

  • maintains the ice rinks, tennis and pickleball courts, and the rec facility green space
  • represents Discovery Ridge community concerns and initiatives and collaborates with the City of Calgary, Province of Alberta, and all levels of elected representatives when required
  • organizes events for residents to come together and enjoy, such as Stampede Roundup and Music in the Park

DID YOU KNOW? A major potion of the DRCA operating funds has to go to insurance policies and mandatory not-for-profit annual financial audits. The fixed costs for community associations are a huge commitment. Membership matters!

Noise Matters Update

We have been advised that, thanks to our MLA, the Hon. Mike Ellis, advocating on behalf of Discovery Ridge, a Ring Road noise study will be completed this month. Here is the information provided to us:

“On behalf of the Honourable Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors, I am able to provide the following information.

Noise attenuation along the Calgary Ring Road is constructed only where warranted based on provincial guidelines. A copy of the noise guidelines can be found here. To date, warranted noise attenuation for the West and Southwest Calgary Ring Road projects has already been constructed based on the design of the road and the projected noise levels.

Although no additional noise attenuation is planned for construction adjacent to the community of Discovery Ridge at this time, as per Transportation and Economic Corridors’ post-construction plans, a noise study will soon be conducted to measure actual noise levels. The tentative scheduling of the study is targeted for September 2024. However, the specific dates are not yet confirmed. Efforts to include monitoring in some of the locations where residents or the public request monitoring will be part of the study. The department’s contractor will endeavour to test the location(s) that will yield the loudest results for evaluation against Transportation and Economic Corridors’ guidelines.

The results of the noise monitoring study will inform if and where additional noise mitigation may be considered for construction. I can confirm that department staff continue to work with the highway maintenance contractor to review noise concerns and will be finalizing the location(s) in the near future.

Should your constituents have any further questions on this matter, please feel free to have them contact Mr. Nathan Lau, Operations Engineer. Mr. Lau can be reached at 403-297-4742, or at”

Music in the Park

The Discovery Ridge Community Association and David Pellettier bring you Music In The Park! Join us on Saturday, September 7, 2024, from 3 pm – 7 pm at Discovery Ridge field (next to the rink and tennis courts). Come along for an incredible afternoon filled with live music featuring the best of 60s and 70s Soul and Motown, classic rock hits, as well as pop, blues, and country tunes. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets, gather with friends and neighbours, and savour drinks from our curated beer and wine garden along with delicious bites from YYC Food Trucks. We can’t wait to see you there!

Current DRCA members will receive free entry as part of their membership privileges. Memberships are household memberships, so bring the whole family! This year, non-DRCA members will be asked for a donation for entry rather than being charged a set fee. The donation amount will be at the attendee’s discretion. In addition to our sponsors’ most generous support, these donations will assist with the ever-increasing costs of running this event. Alternately, if plan to attend and you are a Discovery Ridge resident but are not currently a DRCA member, consider purchasing a $25 annual membership today! If you have questions regarding your DRCA membership status, our Membership Director can answer your questions after August 21 at Thank you!