Volunteers Needed for Events and Activities

Music In the Park

Planning for this spectacular community event begins at this time of year. This year’s event is scheduled for September 7th, 2024.

Our previous Music In The Park Lead, Anil Tahiliani, has retired from his role on the DRCA Board and as Special Events Lead. His years of volunteerism will always be appreciated! Additionally, after this year, another of our key Music In The Park volunteers will likely be retiring from his role as well. Moving forward, in order to proceed with this event we are going to divide out the work into easy-to-manage sections, so we require a minimum of 5 new volunteers to step up and job shadow through this year in preparation for next year. You don’t need to be a DRCA Board member to take on any of these tasks. There are Board Members on the Committee to assist with overall coordination and Board Member Lillian will take Lead for this year, so there is plenty of support available to learn from.

The Music In The Park roles we require immediate volunteers to job shadow through 2024 are:

  • Facilities (arranging the fence rentals, port-a-potty rentals, Food Truck bookings)
  • Sponsors (securing sponsorship, ensuring sponsors are welcomed, ensure tents, tables, chairs, etc., that they will require are part of the set-up plan)
  • Music (booking the stage with equipment and selecting the musical performers)
  • Administration (obtaining license, permits, etc.)
  • Entertainment & Games for Kids (booking and helping with setup and oversight if required)

Parade of Garage Sales

The current suggestion is May 11th, in advance of the Community Cleanup on May 18th. We require 1 volunteer to assist with this. There is not much to do outside of:

  • Draft up communications with the details.
  • Post on Kijiji or similar and on other garage sale sites.
  • Book a sign to advertise.

Community Cleanup

Community Cleanups provide an opportunity for Calgarians to dispose of items that do not fit in their waste and recycling carts. Our annual community cleanup event is scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2024. As last year, 3 communities — Discovery Ridge, Signal Hill, and Springbank Hill — have combined volunteer efforts and are sending volunteers to the event. We are required to send 8 volunteers from our community. If you would like to help, please email Andrei (DRCA Environment Lead) at romaniuk.ag@gmail.com. Please email Andrei on or by Tuesday, April 30, to arrange your shift time.

Event Date: Saturday, May 18th, 2024
Location: Westside King’s Church parking lot (SE corner of Springbank Blvd and 69th St SW)
Time: 9 am – 2 pm (2-hour shifts)

Discovery Ridge is required to provide 8 volunteers of the 30 required if we wish to participate. Shifts will be 2 hours. Duties include: directing traffic, helping people unload their items, supporting City workers and vendors, answering questions, promoting community memberships, etc.

For more information on the event see Community Cleanups.

Stampede Roundup

We require 2 or more new volunteers to step up here as well. Jobs include:

  • booking things such as: food trucks, petting zoo, library truck, port-a-potties, and line dancers
  • organizing games and activities for the kids

Food Truck Event

We require 1 volunteer to book the food truck days with the food truck coordinator and ensure the site is ready for the truck’s arrival. The DRCA will assist with dates for events.

Bottle Shack

The shack is unloaded every few months, usually on a Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm. With 6-8 volunteers it takes approximately 15 minutes to complete the unload. A line of volunteers is formed from the Bottle Shack to the depot truck. Volunteers pass along boxes and bags of bottles for transportation to the recycling plant. Volunteers must be able to handle boxes of wine and bags of drink containers. Bring gloves. It’s fun!

Ice Rinks

Stay tuned in the fall for these requirements. There are several volunteers retiring after many years of rink volunteerism so they will have to be replaced to ensure we can have ice next winter.

For any and all things volunteering, please contact Lillian at: volunteer@discoveryridge.com.