Music in the Park Thanks

What a fantastic day! The sun was shining and the music was playing. The DRCA (Discovery Ridge Community Association) would like to thank everyone who came out and celebrated Music in the Park. The park was filled with friends and neighbours, sponsors, musicians, food trucks, face painters, kid’s activities, a beer/wine garden, and a wonderful support group of volunteers.

Once again we would like to thank our amazing sponsors:

Our headlne sponsor: David Pellettier
Resident and Re/Max realtor
Provided advertising support
Provided advertising support
Ward 6 provided a Community Event Grant
Chek Health

We would also like to extend a huge thank you to the talented musicians from the following bands:

  • Ben Rose & Cafe Rose
  • Corazones
  • Jack Lumber Band
  • The Ramblin’ Ambassadors

Last, but not least, thank you to: YYC Food Trucks, NDHA (New Discovery Homeowners’ Association), The Fairy Hut, and The City of Calgary Special Events Crew.

See you all next year!