The wonderful businesses of Cornerstone Square are hosting the first annual Discovery Ridge Fall Marketplace and Food Drive on Saturday, October 22 from 11 am to 3 pm in the Cornerstone Square parking lot.
The Discovery Ridge Fall Marketplace and Food Drive will bring family, friends, and neighbours together for a safe and fun outdoor event. This is a fantastic way to support local businesses!
Local vendors are invited to participate. The Discovery Ridge Fall Marketplace and Food Drive is a great way to showcase your business, talents, products, and services and is is an exciting way to provide the community with a phenomenal “shop local’” experience. A total of 20 vendors will be accepted. A table will be provided if needed. Each table will be shared between 2-3 vendors depending on the space required. For vendors, prices are:
- Vendor space $50 (with table space provided)
- Vendor space $40 (without table space provided; you provide your own table)
- Youth entrepreneur space (8-17 yrs old) – FREE
Vendors may apply at https://forms.gle/4EgwSsJLBhK6LCTj7.
Would you like to provide sponsorship support? Sponsorship options include:
- Make a monetary donation that will go towards the event itself (music, decorations, advertising, face painter, etc.).
- If you’d like to make a monetary donation AND actively participate in the event, we’d love to see you there! Bring a cool setup showcasing your business and feel free to share promotional items and/or freebies or giveaways. A box to receive food donations will be provided to you. Table space may be available.
All sponsors will receive special mention in the event’s online advertising/promotion. To sponsor or ask questions, please contact kmould@cirrealty.ca or emerlita@shaw.ca by October 16.
This event is brought to you and organized by Kristin Mould, CIR Realty, who is a Discovery Ridge resident.