Waste Bins and Wildlife

We share a responsibility to protect ourselves, our neighbours, and local wildlife. Waste bins, particularly the green and black bins, should be stored in a secure area. Please do your part to ensure your bins are not outside. City of Calgary bylaws state that bins should be set out no earlier than 7 pm the night before pickup and must be put away by 7 pm on the day of pickup. We kindly ask and encourage everyone to please try not to put green and black bins out before the morning of pickup if at all possible when bears are the most active (August and September). These bins are a potential safety risk to all when they are out as they encourage local wildlife to scour them for food. Therefore, the least amount of time the bins are out, the better it is for wildlife.

Don’t like the smell from bins? Consider one of the many companies in Calgary that offer bin cleaning services. Thank you!

Music in the Park 2022 a Success

The 2022 Music In The Park event was a huge success. Our residents turned out to enjoy the music, beautiful weather, and visit in person. A huge THANK YOU to all of the amazing volunteers and to our event sponsors:

  • David Pelletier, RE/MAX – Headline Sponsor
  • Mike Ellis, MLA Calgary West
  • Ron Liepert, MP Calgary Signal Hill
  • Discovery Massage & Wellness
  • New Discovery Fine Wines & Spirits
  • Cutting Edge Barber Shop
  • Discovery Ridge Pharmacy & Travel Clinic
  • Calgary Stampede

YYC Food Trucks sends their apologies because only two of their scheduled trucks attended.

Be Bear Aware

Please be advised that there have been several sightings of bears in the area recently. Warning signs have been posted near the traffic circle at the entrance to Discovery Ridge.

Our special community has us living in partnership with local wildlife. In order to protect our neighbourhood, our residents, and the wildlife, please ensure you are doing your part. If possible, put your blue and green bins out for pickup on Wednesday morning instead of Tuesday evening to help reduce bear attractants until the bears go into hibernation.

For more information on how to live with and enjoy Calgary’s wildlife, see:

Music in the Park is Tomorrow

DRCA Music in the Park is tomorrow Saturday, September 10 from 3 pm to 7 pm at the park next to the Recreation Facility. Bring your family, friends, and lawn chairs or blankets and join us for some great local talent. Food and wine/beer will be available for purchase.

The musical lineup is:

  • 3 pm — The Corazones
  • 4 pm — Mercury Audio
  • 5 pm — Tom Phillips
  • 6 pm — The Jack Lumber Band

The onsite food trucks will be:

  • Primal Pizza
  • Tikka and Tequila
  • Ukrainian Fine Foods
  • Happy Dumpling
  • Family Squeezed Lemonade

A big thank you to our sponsors for making this event possible:

  • David Pellettier, RE/MAX, our headline sponsor
  • Mike Ellis, MLA Calgary West
  • Ron Liepert, MP Calgary Signal Hill
  • Discovery Massage & Wellness
  • Discovery Ridge Pharmacy & Travel Clinic
  • New Discovery Fine Wines & Spirits
  • Cutting Edge Barber Shop
  • Calgary Stampede
  • City of Calgary

As this is a family-friendly event, smoking, vaping, and marijuana use are not permitted on site. Also, for the enjoyment of all, please leave your pets at home.

Events like these are made possible through the purchase of a DRCA membership. We’d like to make a friendly reminder to please renew your Annual DRCA Membership for only $25 per household on our website at www.discoveryridge.com/membership/. The membership year runs from September 1st to August 31st. All new memberships or renewals purchased before October 15th will be entered into a draw for movie tickets.

Thank you! See you at the park.

Upcoming Event: Music in the Park

Music in the Park is almost here! Join your neighbours and friends on Saturday, September 10 from 3-7 pm at the DRCA Recreation Facility. Bring a lawn chair or blanket, enjoy the fantastic music, and treat yourself to dinner from the tasty selection at the food trucks. Beer and wine will be available for purchase as well.

Please join us in extending a huge thank you to our event sponsors:

  • **David Pelletier, RE/MAX – Headline Sponsor**
  • Mike Ellis, MLA Calgary West
  • Ron Liepert, MP Calgary Signal Hill
  • Discovery Massage & Wellness
  • New Discovery Fine Wine & Spirits
  • Cutting Edge Barber Shop
  • Discovery Ridge Pharmacy and Travel Clinic
  • Calgary Stampede

As this is a family-friendly event, smoking, vaping, and marijuana use are not permitted on site. Also, for the enjoyment of all, please leave your pets at home.

See you there!

Music in the Park

Join us on Saturday, September 10th from 3-7pm for DRCA Music in the Park. Bring your lawn chairs and join your fellow neighbors to listen to some great music. The food trucks will be on site, and beer/wine will be available for purchase.

Thank you again to our headline sponsor David Pellettier, Re/Max, for his continued support over the years for this event.

Thank you also to our sponsors The Honourable Mike Ellis, MLA, Calgary West, Ron Liepert, MP, Calgary Signal Hill, and Cutting Edge Barber Shop for helping to make this event possible.

Stampede Thank You

Thank you for making the 2022 DRCA Stampede Roundup an astounding success! We had a perfect sunny day with many families and people enjoying the food trucks and activities.

A special thank you to our volunteers and a BIG YAHOO! to our Sponsors:
Kristin Mould at CIR Realty
Ron Liepert, MP, Calgary Signal Hill
Source Mortgage Centre
Discovery Fine Wines & Spirits
Discovery Pharmacy & Travel Clinic
Discovery Wellness and Massage

Stampede Event with Your DRCA

Saturday June 25th 4-7pm

Your Discovery Ridge Community Association hosts the DR Stampede Roundup

Roundup your family and join us for a Stompin’ good time with:
YYC Food Trucks
Butterfield Acres Farm petting zoo (note only available 4-6pm)
Join or Learn to Line Dance  (only 4:30-6:30 pm)
Kids activities
Seniors games
And of course, country music!!

Bring a lawn chair or blanket, mix and mingle with friends and neighbours, and stay for dinner enjoying a tasty selection of food trucks.

A BIG YAHOO! Thank You to our Sponsors:

Ron Liepert
MP, Calgary Signal Hill
Source Mortgage Centre
Kristin Mould at CIR Realty
New Discovery
Fine Wines & Spirits
Discovery Massage and Wellness
Discovery Pharmacy
& Travel Clinic

Screenagers Screening

Calling all parents of tweens and teens in Ward 6! Wests Springs Cougar Ridge Community Association is hosting an in-person screening of Screenagers Next Chapter: Uncovering Skills for Stress Resilience on May 26, 2022 at West Springs Church, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm.

This film is in follow-up to the award-winning documentary Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age, a film that probed into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicted the messy struggles over social media, video games and academics. We believe this film, and the discussion afterwards, will help our youth and their parents build crucial skills for navigating stress, anxiety, and depression.

Hope you can make it!

Register at https://wscr.ca/. Registration open to all Ward 6 residents!

Watch the official trailer here: https://youtu.be/ecDraB2YExA

Food Trucks Return

Food Trucks are back in Discovery Ridge on Sunday May 1, 12:00-4:00pm. The following trucks will be in attendance:
Neon Taco
Ticket Tequila
Berta Burgers
Mumbai Bites
Family Dogs
Family Squeezed Lemonade
Cookie Dough
Ice Cream and Popsicles for sale at the Griffith Store

See you there!