Volunteers Needed Now

We need volunteers for two upcoming events.

Community Clean Up: Saturday, April 29th @ Westside Kings Church
The event runs from 9am-2pm. Shifts are 2 hours in length.
We need to send eight volunteers from our community. If you are able to help, please email Rhonda from Springbank Hill Community Association at vp@springbankhill.org on or by Friday, April 21, to arrange your shift time. 

Casino: May 21 & May 22 @ Cowboys Casino
This is our biggest fundraiser, and we are only granted a casino approximately every 18 months. There are still shifts to be filled. Please help!
Contact Lillian at volunteer@discoveryridge.com

Community Cleanup

It’s springtime and that means cleanup time! Our annual spring Community Cleanup event is scheduled for Saturday, April 29, 2023. Like last year, three communities — Discovery Ridge, Signal Hill, and Springbank Hill — have combined their efforts and are sending volunteers to the event.

Event Date: Saturday, April 29, 2023
Location: Westside Kings Church parking lot (SE corner of Springbank Blvd and 69th St SW)
Time: 9 am – 2 pm

  • The City will provide trucks to collect garbage going to the landfill.
  • Other recycling vendors may include metal, electronics, tires, and household donations.
  • Unfortunately, the City cannot accept chemicals, contaminated materials, or hazardous items.
  • 30 volunteers from the three communities are needed to work one two-hour shift each.
  • Volunteers will: direct traffic, help people unload their items, support City workers and vendors, answer questions, promote community memberships, etc.

Thank you to the City of Calgary Community Standards, and Waste & Recycling, for their contributions. As well, thank you to the many volunteers in these communities who make events like this possible.

Please check acceptable items beforehand: https://www.calgary.ca/communities/community-cleanups.html

Please note, this service is available to all Calgarians and is free of charge.

DRCA AGM on February 13

Please join us at the “Virtual” DRCA Annual General Meeting on Monday, February 13 starting at 7:00 pm. Meet your Board and get a review of last year’s activities as well as upcoming issues your Board is working on. We are always looking for new people to join the Board. Join us at the AGM to find out more.

Note that the AGM is open to all Discovery residents; however, only paid DRCA members are entitled to vote for the election of executive directors.

Join the Zoom meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86818974014?pwd=MHBiVllyVGs1MzgyZWpDZlVtcCtCdz09
Meeting ID: 868 1897 4014
Passcode: 937892

Or join by phone by dialling one of the following numbers.
+1 647 558 0588
+1 778 907 2071
+1 780 666 0144
+1 204 272 7920
+1 438 809 7799
+1 587 328 1099
+1 647 374 4685
Meeting ID: 868 1897 4014
Passcode: 937892

International numbers are available at: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcTYLuae42

To join via Microsoft Teams, visit https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NTMwMDUxNGEtN2YzZC00ZTk3LTlmYmEtMzVjODFkMWM3ODIz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ac10edcd-a556-46ba-895d-cf62ddf03cb0%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%221410512e-a1b6-4f53-b253-185d8e932504%22%7d
Meeting ID: 257 385 465 988
Passcode: M4JBgi

Volunteers Needed

Hello! Happy 2023! For those who don’t know me, my name is Lillian and I am the Volunteer Coordinator for the Discovery Ridge Community Association (DRCA). I am on the Board and help to support events in our community. Last year we were finally able to gather and had a great time at Stampede Round Up in June and Music in the Park in September. I’m hoping we can enjoy these events once again. The events, however, need volunteer support from our community. If you are currently a volunteer, I look forward to connecting with you again this year. If you are not yet a volunteer, please consider joining this awesome group. Send me a message at volunteer@discoveryridge.com. I’d be happy to fill you in on our events and answer any questions you may have!

Santa Photos at Discovery Massage & Wellness

Come see the magic! Visit Discovery Massage & Wellness on Saturday, December 17, from 9 am to 11 am to have a photo taken with Santa and receive free gifts and extra discounts.

Christmas Parade of Lights

From December 15 to 31, feel the spirit of the season by enjoying the beautiful displays of lights by the waterfall, near the ice rink, and throughout our community.

Discovery Ridge Fall Marketplace and Food Drive

This Saturday (Oct. 22) from 11 am to 3 pm, drop by the Discovery Ridge Fall Marketplace and Food Drive where family, friends, and neighbours can come together for a safe and fun outdoor event. The event is being put on by local businesses that care about and support our community. The event will take place in the Cornerstone Shopping Centre parking lot and features a marketplace from local vendors, food trucks, a pumpkin and apple pie giveaway, music, and food drive.

Let’s give back to the community! All food donations go to the Veteran’s Food Bank of Calgary. Bring non-perishable food donations only. We can’t wait to see you there!

See our Facebook page for more information.

Fall Marketplace & Food Drive Vendors and Sponsors Invited

The wonderful businesses of Cornerstone Square are hosting the first annual Discovery Ridge Fall Marketplace and Food Drive on Saturday, October 22 from 11 am to 3 pm in the Cornerstone Square parking lot.

The Discovery Ridge Fall Marketplace and Food Drive will bring family, friends, and neighbours together for a safe and fun outdoor event. This is a fantastic way to support local businesses!

Local vendors are invited to participate. The Discovery Ridge Fall Marketplace and Food Drive is a great way to showcase your business, talents, products, and services and is is an exciting way to provide the community with a phenomenal “shop local’” experience. A total of 20 vendors will be accepted. A table will be provided if needed. Each table will be shared between 2-3 vendors depending on the space required. For vendors, prices are:

  • Vendor space $50 (with table space provided)
  • Vendor space $40 (without table space provided; you provide your own table)
  • Youth entrepreneur space (8-17 yrs old) – FREE

Vendors may apply at https://forms.gle/4EgwSsJLBhK6LCTj7.

Would you like to provide sponsorship support? Sponsorship options include:

  1. Make a monetary donation that will go towards the event itself (music, decorations, advertising, face painter, etc.).
  2. If you’d like to make a monetary donation AND actively participate in the event, we’d love to see you there! Bring a cool setup showcasing your business and feel free to share promotional items and/or freebies or giveaways. A box to receive food donations will be provided to you. Table space may be available.

All sponsors will receive special mention in the event’s online advertising/promotion. To sponsor or ask questions, please contact kmould@cirrealty.ca or emerlita@shaw.ca by October 16.

This event is brought to you and organized by Kristin Mould, CIR Realty, who is a Discovery Ridge resident.

Membership Drive on Now

It’s time to renew or buy your annual DRCA membership! Existing DRCA memberships expired on August 31. For only $25 per year, your membership is used to maintain our ice rinks and tennis courts, provide special events such as Music in the Park and the Stampede BBQ, produce our monthly Ridge Review newsletter, support our social media and website accounts, and give Discovery Ridge a voice in City of Calgary issues. For more details on what an annual membership can do for you, see our Membership page.

Thank you to the many households that have already renewed. If you have not purchased your 2022 membership, please do so online at Buy/Renew Membership. All memberships purchased by October 15 will be entered into a draw for two movie tickets

Halloween Photo Contest 2022

Send us a Halloween photo of yourself and/or your family for a chance to win a prize. Email your submission for the annual DRCA Halloween Photo Contest to drca_pres@discoveryridge.com by November 15, 2022. Entries will be placed in a draw for two movie tickets. Please note that the winning photo will be posted on the DRCA website and in our monthly newsletter.