Discovery Ridge Community Association

Stampede Thank You

Thank you for making the 2022 DRCA Stampede Roundup an astounding success! We had a perfect sunny day with many families and people enjoying the food trucks and activities.

A special thank you to our volunteers and a BIG YAHOO! to our Sponsors:
Kristin Mould at CIR Realty
Ron Liepert, MP, Calgary Signal Hill
Source Mortgage Centre
Discovery Fine Wines & Spirits
Discovery Pharmacy & Travel Clinic
Discovery Wellness and Massage

Stampede Event with Your DRCA

Saturday June 25th 4-7pm

Your Discovery Ridge Community Association hosts the DR Stampede Roundup

Roundup your family and join us for a Stompin’ good time with:
YYC Food Trucks
Butterfield Acres Farm petting zoo (note only available 4-6pm)
Join or Learn to Line Dance  (only 4:30-6:30 pm)
Kids activities
Seniors games
And of course, country music!!

Bring a lawn chair or blanket, mix and mingle with friends and neighbours, and stay for dinner enjoying a tasty selection of food trucks.

A BIG YAHOO! Thank You to our Sponsors:

Ron Liepert
MP, Calgary Signal Hill
Source Mortgage Centre
Kristin Mould at CIR Realty
New Discovery
Fine Wines & Spirits
Discovery Massage and Wellness
Discovery Pharmacy
& Travel Clinic

Screenagers Screening

Calling all parents of tweens and teens in Ward 6! Wests Springs Cougar Ridge Community Association is hosting an in-person screening of Screenagers Next Chapter: Uncovering Skills for Stress Resilience on May 26, 2022 at West Springs Church, 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm.

This film is in follow-up to the award-winning documentary Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age, a film that probed into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicted the messy struggles over social media, video games and academics. We believe this film, and the discussion afterwards, will help our youth and their parents build crucial skills for navigating stress, anxiety, and depression.

Hope you can make it!

Register at Registration open to all Ward 6 residents!

Watch the official trailer here:

Food Trucks Return

Food Trucks are back in Discovery Ridge on Sunday May 1, 12:00-4:00pm. The following trucks will be in attendance:
Neon Taco
Ticket Tequila
Berta Burgers
Mumbai Bites
Family Dogs
Family Squeezed Lemonade
Cookie Dough
Ice Cream and Popsicles for sale at the Griffith Store

See you there!

Community Clean-up Moves Up the Hill

Signal Hill, Discovery Ridge, and Springbank Hill Community Associations have teamed up to host a Community Cleanup Event this month!

Date: Saturday, April 30, 2022, 9am – 2pm
Location: Westside Kings Church parking lot (SE corner of Springbank Blvd and 69th St SW)

Items Accepted:
Household garbage and recycling (no organics) 
Household items for donation – Cerebral Palsy Association
Skip-the-Depot collecting refundable beverage containers for the Love for Lewiston Foundation

Not accepted:
Contaminated materials
Hazardous items

Participants will be required to follow all active provincial and local public health measures. For more information visit and

Thank you to the City of Calgary Community Standards and Waste & Recycling for their contributions. 
For more information check out:

Continue watching our website and social media for details!
*Content approved by the City of Calgary

Virtual Call with Councillor Pootmans

April 26th @ 7pm 
Please join Councillor Richard Pootmans as he hosts a virtual session with Fire Chief Steve Dongworth. Send in your questions to Event link:

Being Flood Ready in Discovery Ridge

2022 Flood Preparedness – Information Provided by The City of Calgary
This spring, we’re seeing high snowpack up in the mountains. The long-term forecast from Environment and Climate Change Canada shows below average spring temperatures and average to below average precipitation heading into summer.

While a melting snowpack will increase river flows, it alone does not cause river flooding in Calgary. Heavy, multi-day rainfalls upstream of the city are the main cause of river flooding and can account for 80 per cent or more of the river flow during a flood.

These large rainfalls typically happen from mid-May to mid-July and can be challenging to predict in the mountain areas where we may only have 24 hours or less to confirm what’s coming. That’s why it’s important Calgarians are ready for flooding anytime during the season, possibly on short notice.

There’s lots of great resources on to help residents understand their flood risk with our online interactive maps, what steps they can take to be prepared for flooding and links to useful resources to help them stay informed throughout the season.

We also have a river conditions dial on the website, which provides Calgarians with a quick snapshot of the daily river conditions during high river flow season (May 15- July 15).

Every flood season we send out a weekly e-newsletter to share current river conditions, along with information on flood mitigation projects and tips so residents are well informed throughout the season. We’ll be resuming our flood season e-newsletter in May. Please help us spread the word and share this link with your community to subscribe for the flood e-newsletter as one way to stay up to date.

Food Trucks are BACK

Come join us this Friday April 1st from 4-7pm for YYC Food Trucks at the soccer field parking lot.

Enjoy the following expected trucks:

Happy Fish
Waffles N’ Chix
Neon Taco
Family Cheesed
Canadian Bear Balls

With spring around the corner it’s a great time to enjoy the outdoors!

Griffith Woods Park Closure – April 4-5, 2022

The DRCA received this recent notice from the City of Calgary:

On behalf of Calgary Parks, a film company has requested the use of Griffith Woods for filming.

The park, including the parking lot, will be CLOSED from April 4 – April 5 from 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Appropriate signage will be on display as well.

If the scheduling changes or there is a cancellation for filming, there will be an update.