Noise Matters Update

We have been advised that, thanks to our MLA, the Hon. Mike Ellis, advocating on behalf of Discovery Ridge, a Ring Road noise study will be completed this month. Here is the information provided to us:

“On behalf of the Honourable Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Transportation and Economic Corridors, I am able to provide the following information.

Noise attenuation along the Calgary Ring Road is constructed only where warranted based on provincial guidelines. A copy of the noise guidelines can be found here. To date, warranted noise attenuation for the West and Southwest Calgary Ring Road projects has already been constructed based on the design of the road and the projected noise levels.

Although no additional noise attenuation is planned for construction adjacent to the community of Discovery Ridge at this time, as per Transportation and Economic Corridors’ post-construction plans, a noise study will soon be conducted to measure actual noise levels. The tentative scheduling of the study is targeted for September 2024. However, the specific dates are not yet confirmed. Efforts to include monitoring in some of the locations where residents or the public request monitoring will be part of the study. The department’s contractor will endeavour to test the location(s) that will yield the loudest results for evaluation against Transportation and Economic Corridors’ guidelines.

The results of the noise monitoring study will inform if and where additional noise mitigation may be considered for construction. I can confirm that department staff continue to work with the highway maintenance contractor to review noise concerns and will be finalizing the location(s) in the near future.

Should your constituents have any further questions on this matter, please feel free to have them contact Mr. Nathan Lau, Operations Engineer. Mr. Lau can be reached at 403-297-4742, or at”