Active bear season is upon us. There have been bears in Griffith Woods Park as well as in the community. Unfortunately, they accessed residential waste from bins being stored outside that were not secured. Alberta Fish & Wildlife set two bear traps and closed a portion of Griffith Woods Park. The following update was provided to the DRCA late this morning:
“Alberta Fish and Wildlife has notified the City that two (2) adult bears have been successfully trapped and removed from the Discovery Ridge community. However, bears can and will continue to visit the community. Please continue to practice the Bear Smart residential waste best practices to protect your neighbours and any future visiting bears. Black, blue, and green carts are significant bear attractants, so please:
- Don’t put carts out overnight.
- Set carts out between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. on collection day.
- Put carts away after collection.
- Store your cart inside a garage or other secure enclosure.
The entrances and pathways in Griffith Woods Park that were closed are now re-opened.
All residents are asked to ensure bears and other wildlife cannot access the contents of their bins.”