With the approval of The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy, Council directed Administration to take bold actions to address the housing crisis. One of these actions is to rezone low-density residential properties to allow for more forms of housing (including single-detached, semi-detached, rowhouse, and townhouses) throughout all communities. As mailouts about rezoning reach Calgarians this week, public interest on the topic is expected.
The City’s Rezoning for Housing website includes information on upcoming webinars and open houses, FAQs, timelines, resources, and a link to an Engage page for Calgarians to provide their questions and comments. The site also provides an interactive address map to see which land parcels will be affected by citywide rezoning.
The dates/times/locations of the upcoming webinars and open houses as well as the opportunity to sign up to receive project updates can also be found at engage.calgary.ca/rezoningforhousing,