Discovery Ridge Earth Day Litter Pick Up – NEW DATE

Discovery Ridge Earth Day/Litter Pick Up – NEW DATE
Saturday MAY 8 – 9am – 12pm

We need your help getting our beautiful community looking its finest again as we head into summer!

Families and residents alike are invited to the Annual Discovery Ridge Earth Day Litter Pick-Up on Saturday May 8, 9:00am – 12:00pm. 
Participants of all ages are welcome but children should be accompanied by an adult. All involved should aim to commit approximately two hours to walk sections of Discovery Ridge. Garbage bags, pick-up sticks, gloves and hand sanitizer will be provided and will be distributed the day of the event at the Skate Shack from 9:00-10:30am. 

Various areas around Discovery Ridge will be divided out among participants and maps will be available via email ahead of April 24th. Please note – this is not a group event. Each volunteer will pick up garbage bags, sticks and gloves in a socially distanced, safe manner and will then work on their own in a designated area; people from the same household can of course do the the litter pick up together. Make it a family effort!   Please email for more information and to register your intent to participate.

Thank you and please remember to dress appropriately for the weather….it is Calgary after all!