Clearwater Legacy Park Disappointment

Committed Clearwater Legacy Park – Promises to Discovery Ridge Broken

For many years we have patiently awaited the development of Clearwater Park to assist in taking some of the pressure off of Griffith Woods. Please click on the link below to read the recent Calgary Herald article about the commitments and promises to us that have now been broken.

After reading, if you have concerns please consider emailing our Ward 6 Councillor, Jeff Davison, at so he hears your views first hand. We are asking that City Council, via Councillor Davison, direct the Parks Department to re-start planning and complete Clearwater Enmax Legacy Park by 2023 – which is 20 years since it was first promised.

Missing Pathway Connections
In addition to Clearwater Legacy Park, we have been advocating to have the the City of Calgary complete the “Missing Link” of pathway connectivity. Our collective request is to have the City build a multi-use trail from Westhills Way to 69th Street (Discovery Ridge), on the south side of Highway 8 THIS SUMMER so we are no longer disconnected. We encourage you to include your support of connecting Discovery Ridge to other pathway systems in our city by emailing Councillor Davison.