We invite you to participate in the 1st (and we hope only) Annual –
Social Distancing Easter Egg Hunt
Print our a few Easter Egg patterns that you can easily find on the internet (here is a LINK if you wish) . You or your children are encouraged to colour as many eggs as you wish and then hide them in your window or even your yard – get creative! Make sure they are there by Saturday night!
This Sunday, April 12, we invite you to take a walk (with appropriate social distancing!) through the community, take a few pictures and a tally of all the eggs you find! Once you’re finished your hunt, email your favourite picture and your number of eggs to volunteer@discoveryridge.com
The top two households with the largest number of found eggs will win a
$25 gift certificate to either Javino or Maharajah.
All entries must be in by 5:00PM on April 12.
(This contest will be on the honour system!)