Volunteers are required for the following awesome events!

Sunday May 27 – DRCA Community Clean-up
Location: West end of Discovery Ridge Blvd
Event time: 9:00am-2:00pm 
Volunteers required: 8:30am-2:30pm for 1.5 hour shifts

Requirements: Some mild to medium physical activity (lifting and keeping area clear of debris), directing traffic
Refreshments provided
EMAIL: volunteer@discoveryridge.com to get your name on our volunteer list for this event!

Sunday June 10 – DRCA Stampede BBQ
Location: DR Recreation Facility and adjoining fields
Event time:  4:00pm-7:00pm
Volunteers required for 1-2 hour shifts

Requirements: set up, clean up and smooth running of the event
EMAIL: volunteer@discoveryridge.com to get your name on our volunteer list for this event!

September 2 & 3 – Casino

Location: Cowboys Casino

Event time: 10:00AM-4:00AM both days
Volunteers required to 4 or 8 hour shifts
Requirements: chip runner, count room, cashier, general manager (all training and food provided)
EMAIL: volunteer@discoveryridge.com to get your name on our volunteer list for this event!

Saturday September 8 – Music in the Park
Location: DR Recreation Facility and adjoining fields
Event time: 3:00-7:00pm
Volunteers required for 1-2 hour shifts

Requirements: ticket sales, set up and clean up, security
EMAIL: volunteer@discoveryridge.com to get your name on our volunteer list for this event!